The Chakras are like a "filing cabinet" for all experiences that have ever happened to you, and can also store what we take on from others and the outside world. Trauma and heavy / unserving energy can stay "stuck" in those centers, causing them to be blocked and stop moving. Having your source of energy out of balance can be just as devastating to the body as a physical injury.
Clearing the chakras through Reiki heals the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body by releasing stored blocks.
A Reiki session treats the 7 major chakras, as well as the full body energy field. The session starts with a chakra examination (and brief explanation of each one), identifying any blockages / unhealthy chakras. You will be able to see where you are open and blocked in your energy field. Upon completion of the session, the chakras will all be open.
Every reiki session includes a full balancing of the chakras.