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Reset A gentle energy healing that utilizes light hands on touch, techniques from Reiki, and chakra clearing
This gentle healing is designed to regulate the autonomic nervous system through deep relaxation. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for regulating the heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and respiration (breath). This system becomes dysregulated through overstimulation, stress, anxiety, panic attacks, trauma responses (fight, flight, freeze, fawn), etc. If you feel “spaced out” (derealization), “scattered”, and / or quick to anger, your nervous system is dysregulated.

The Experience The session will begin with a chakra examination and brief explanation of each center. Using a pendulum, we will identify any blockages (stagnant, stuck energy) in the chakra centers. 
The remainder of the session is completed without any talking. There will be soothing music, and all that is needed is for you to focus on your breath and be open to receiving.  The practitioners hands are placed systematically along the body starting at the head and ending at the feet. The practitioner lightly touches on different points to help bring you into a deeply relaxed state, while also clearing any stagnant energy in the chakras. Each hand placement is held for several minutes. This results in feeling warm gentle waves of energy move through the body and energy field. During the session you may drift into a meditative, dream-like state, feel different emotions coming to the surface, feel moments of deep energy movement, and feel sensations on the skin ranging from heat to cool. What you feel and experience in every session will be different.

The Results Feeling “lighter” is one of the immediate differences noticed after a session. When we charge your energy field up and release heavy, stuck energy, you will feel that difference immediately. Feeling more clear headed, centered, and more at peace are also shifts that take place after a session. The longer term goals with this healing modality is to manage stress levels more easily, feel more open to receiving the good coming your way, release heavy emotions you have not had the space to work through, and help keep the nervous system in a more regulated state.


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